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The following types can be imported from @sveltejs/kit:


interface Adapter {
  name: string;
  adapt(builder: Builder): MaybePromise<void>;


interface Builder {
  log: Logger;
  rimraf(dir: string): void;
  mkdirp(dir: string): void;

  config: ValidatedConfig;
  prerendered: Prerendered;
  /**   * Create entry points that map to individual functions   * @param fn A function that groups a set of routes into an entry point   */  createEntries(
    fn: (route: RouteDefinition) => AdapterEntry
  ): Promise<void>;

  generateManifest: (opts: {
    relativePath: string;
    format?: 'esm' | 'cjs';
  }) => string;

  getBuildDirectory(name: string): string;
  getClientDirectory(): string;
  getServerDirectory(): string;
  getStaticDirectory(): string;
  /**   * @param dest the destination folder to which files should be copied   * @returns an array of paths corresponding to the files that have been created by the copy   */  writeClient(dest: string): string[];
  /**   *   * @param dest   */  writePrerendered(
    dest: string,
    opts?: {
      fallback?: string;
  ): string[];
  /**   * @param dest the destination folder to which files should be copied   * @returns an array of paths corresponding to the files that have been created by the copy   */  writeServer(dest: string): string[];
  /**   * @param dest the destination folder to which files should be copied   * @returns an array of paths corresponding to the files that have been created by the copy   */  writeStatic(dest: string): string[];
  /**   * @param from the source file or folder   * @param to the destination file or folder   * @param opts.filter a function to determine whether a file or folder should be copied   * @param opts.replace a map of strings to replace   * @returns an array of paths corresponding to the files that have been created by the copy   */  copy(
    from: string,
    to: string,
    opts?: {
      filter?: (basename: string) => boolean;
      replace?: Record<string, string>;
  ): string[];


interface Config {
  compilerOptions?: CompileOptions;
  extensions?: string[];
  kit?: {
    adapter?: Adapter;
    amp?: boolean;
    appDir?: string;
    browser?: {
      hydrate?: boolean;
      router?: boolean;
    csp?: {
      mode?: 'hash' | 'nonce' | 'auto';
      directives?: CspDirectives;
    endpointExtensions?: string[];
    files?: {
      assets?: string;
      hooks?: string;
      lib?: string;
      params?: string;
      routes?: string;
      serviceWorker?: string;
      template?: string;
    floc?: boolean;
    inlineStyleThreshold?: number;
    methodOverride?: {
      parameter?: string;
      allowed?: string[];
    outDir?: string;
    package?: {
      dir?: string;
      emitTypes?: boolean;
      exports?(filepath: string): boolean;
      files?(filepath: string): boolean;
    paths?: {
      assets?: string;
      base?: string;
    prerender?: {
      concurrency?: number;
      crawl?: boolean;
      default?: boolean;
      enabled?: boolean;
      entries?: Array<'*' | `/${string}`>;
      onError?: PrerenderOnErrorValue;
    routes?: (filepath: string) => boolean;
    serviceWorker?: {
      register?: boolean;
      files?: (filepath: string) => boolean;
    trailingSlash?: TrailingSlash;
    version?: {
      name?: string;
      pollInterval?: number;
      | import('vite').UserConfig
      | (() => MaybePromise<import('vite').UserConfig>);
  preprocess?: any;


interface ExternalFetch {
  (req: Request): Promise<Response>;


interface GetSession {
  (event: RequestEvent): MaybePromise<App.Session>;


interface Handle {
  (input: {
    event: RequestEvent;
      event: RequestEvent,
      opts?: ResolveOptions
    ): MaybePromise<Response>;
  }): MaybePromise<Response>;


interface HandleError {
  (input: {
    error: Error & { frame?: string };
    event: RequestEvent;
  }): void;


The (input: LoadInput) => LoadOutput load function exported from <script context="module"> in a page or layout.

Note that you can use generated types instead of manually specifying the Params generic argument.

interface Load<
  Params extends Record<string, string> = Record<
  InputProps extends Record<string, any> = Record<
  OutputProps extends Record<string, any> = InputProps
> {
  (input: LoadInput<Params, InputProps>): MaybePromise<


interface LoadInput<
  Params extends Record<string, string> = Record<
  Props extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>
> {
    info: RequestInfo,
    init?: RequestInit
  ): Promise<Response>;
  params: Params;
  props: Props;
  routeId: string | null;
  session: App.Session;
  stuff: Partial<App.Stuff>;
  url: URL;
  status: number | null;
  error: Error | null;


interface LoadOutput<
  Props extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>
> {
  status?: number;
  error?: string | Error;
  redirect?: string;
  props?: Props;
  stuff?: Partial<App.Stuff>;
  cache?: LoadOutputCache;
  dependencies?: string[];


interface LoadOutputCache {
  maxage: number;
  private?: boolean;


interface Navigation {
  from: URL;
  to: URL;


interface Page<
  Params extends Record<string, string> = Record<
> {
  url: URL;
  params: Params;
  routeId: string | null;
  stuff: App.Stuff;
  status: number;
  error: Error | null;


interface ParamMatcher {
  (param: string): boolean;


A (event: RequestEvent) => RequestHandlerOutput function exported from an endpoint that corresponds to an HTTP verb (get, put, patch, etc) and handles requests with that method. Note that since 'delete' is a reserved word in JavaScript, delete handles are called del instead.

Note that you can use generated types instead of manually specifying the Params generic argument.

interface RequestHandler<
  Params extends Record<string, string> = Record<
  Output = ResponseBody
> {
  (event: RequestEvent<Params>): MaybePromise<


interface RequestHandlerOutput<Output = ResponseBody> {
  status?: number;
  headers?: Headers | Partial<ResponseHeaders>;
  body?: Output extends ResponseBody
    ? Output
    : BodyValidator<Output>;


type ResponseBody =
  | JSONValue
  | Uint8Array
  | ReadableStream
  | import('stream').Readable;


interface SSRManifest {
  appDir: string;
  assets: Set<string>;
  mimeTypes: Record<string, string>;
  /** private fields */  _: {
    entry: {
      file: string;
      js: string[];
      css: string[];
    nodes: SSRNodeLoader[];
    routes: SSRRoute[];
    matchers: () => Promise<Record<string, ParamMatcher>>;


class Server {
  constructor(manifest: SSRManifest);
    request: Request,
    options: RequestOptions
  ): Promise<Response>;

Additional typespermalink

The following are referenced by the public types documented above, but cannot be imported directly:


interface AdapterEntry {
  /**   * A string that uniquely identifies an HTTP service (e.g. serverless function) and is used for deduplication.   * For example, `/foo/a-[b]` and `/foo/[c]` are different routes, but would both   * be represented in a Netlify _redirects file as `/foo/:param`, so they share an ID   */  id: string;
  /**   * A function that compares the candidate route with the current route to determine   * if it should be treated as a fallback for the current route. For example, `/foo/[c]`   * is a fallback for `/foo/a-[b]`, and `/[...catchall]` is a fallback for all routes   */  filter: (route: RouteDefinition) => boolean;
  /**   * A function that is invoked once the entry has been created. This is where you   * should write the function to the filesystem and generate redirect manifests.   */  complete: (entry: {
    generateManifest: (opts: {
      relativePath: string;
      format?: 'esm' | 'cjs';
    }) => string;
  }) => MaybePromise<void>;


type BodyValidator<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends { [k: string]: infer V }
    ? BodyValidator<V> // recurse when T[P] is an object
    : T[P] extends BigInt | Function | Symbol
    ? never
    : T[P];


namespace Csp {
  type ActionSource = 'strict-dynamic' | 'report-sample';
  type BaseSource =
    | 'self'
    | 'unsafe-eval'
    | 'unsafe-hashes'
    | 'unsafe-inline'
    | 'none';
  type CryptoSource = `${
    | 'nonce'
    | 'sha256'
    | 'sha384'
    | 'sha512'}-${string}`;
  type FrameSource =
    | HostSource
    | SchemeSource
    | 'self'
    | 'none';
  type HostNameScheme = `${string}.${string}` | 'localhost';
  type HostSource =
  type HostProtocolSchemes = `${string}://` | '';
  type HttpDelineator = '/' | '?' | '#' | '\\';
  type PortScheme = `:${number}` | '' | ':*';
  type SchemeSource =
    | 'http:'
    | 'https:'
    | 'data:'
    | 'mediastream:'
    | 'blob:'
    | 'filesystem:';
  type Source =
    | HostSource
    | SchemeSource
    | CryptoSource
    | BaseSource;
  type Sources = Source[];
  type UriPath = `${HttpDelineator}${string}`;


interface CspDirectives {
  'child-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'default-src'?: Array<Csp.Source | Csp.ActionSource>;
  'frame-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'worker-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'connect-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'font-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'img-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'manifest-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'media-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'object-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'prefetch-src'?: Csp.Sources;
  'script-src'?: Array<Csp.Source | Csp.ActionSource>;
  'script-src-elem'?: Csp.Sources;
  'script-src-attr'?: Csp.Sources;
  'style-src'?: Array<Csp.Source | Csp.ActionSource>;
  'style-src-elem'?: Csp.Sources;
  'style-src-attr'?: Csp.Sources;
  'base-uri'?: Array<Csp.Source | Csp.ActionSource>;
  sandbox?: Array<
    | 'allow-downloads-without-user-activation'
    | 'allow-forms'
    | 'allow-modals'
    | 'allow-orientation-lock'
    | 'allow-pointer-lock'
    | 'allow-popups'
    | 'allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox'
    | 'allow-presentation'
    | 'allow-same-origin'
    | 'allow-scripts'
    | 'allow-storage-access-by-user-activation'
    | 'allow-top-navigation'
    | 'allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation'
  'form-action'?: Array<Csp.Source | Csp.ActionSource>;
  'frame-ancestors'?: Array<
    Csp.HostSource | Csp.SchemeSource | Csp.FrameSource
  'navigate-to'?: Array<Csp.Source | Csp.ActionSource>;
  'report-uri'?: Csp.UriPath[];
  'report-to'?: string[];

  'require-trusted-types-for'?: Array<'script'>;
  'trusted-types'?: Array<
    'none' | 'allow-duplicates' | '*' | string
  'upgrade-insecure-requests'?: boolean;
  /** @deprecated */  'require-sri-for'?: Array<
    'script' | 'style' | 'script style'
  /** @deprecated */  'block-all-mixed-content'?: boolean;
  /** @deprecated */  'plugin-types'?: Array<`${string}/${string}` | 'none'>;
  /** @deprecated */  referrer?: Array<
    | 'no-referrer'
    | 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
    | 'origin'
    | 'origin-when-cross-origin'
    | 'same-origin'
    | 'strict-origin'
    | 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
    | 'unsafe-url'
    | 'none'


type HttpMethod =
  | 'get'
  | 'head'
  | 'post'
  | 'put'
  | 'delete'
  | 'patch';


interface JSONObject {
  [key: string]: JSONValue;


type JSONValue =
  | string
  | number
  | boolean
  | null
  | undefined
  | ToJSON
  | JSONValue[]
  | JSONObject;


interface Logger {
  (msg: string): void;
  success(msg: string): void;
  error(msg: string): void;
  warn(msg: string): void;
  minor(msg: string): void;
  info(msg: string): void;


type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;


interface PrerenderErrorHandler {
  (details: {
    status: number;
    path: string;
    referrer: string | null;
    referenceType: 'linked' | 'fetched';
  }): void;


type PrerenderOnErrorValue =
  | 'fail'
  | 'continue'
  | PrerenderErrorHandler;


interface Prerendered {
  pages: Map<
      /** The location of the .html file relative to the output directory */      file: string;
  assets: Map<
      /** The MIME type of the asset */      type: string;
  redirects: Map<
      status: number;
      location: string;
  /** An array of prerendered paths (without trailing slashes, regardless of the trailingSlash config) */  paths: string[];


interface RequestEvent<
  Params extends Record<string, string> = Record<
> {
  clientAddress: string;
  locals: App.Locals;
  params: Params;
  platform: Readonly<App.Platform>;
  request: Request;
  routeId: string | null;
  url: URL;


interface RequestOptions {
  getClientAddress: () => string;
  platform?: App.Platform;


interface ResolveOptions {
  ssr?: boolean;
  transformPage?: ({
  }: {
    html: string;
  }) => MaybePromise<string>;


string[] is only for set-cookie, everything else must be type of string

type ResponseHeaders = Record<
  string | number | string[]


interface RouteDefinition {
  id: string;
  type: 'page' | 'endpoint';
  pattern: RegExp;
  segments: RouteSegment[];
  methods: HttpMethod[];


interface RouteSegment {
  content: string;
  dynamic: boolean;
  rest: boolean;


interface ToJSON {
  toJSON(...args: any[]): Exclude<JSONValue, ToJSON>;


type TrailingSlash = 'never' | 'always' | 'ignore';


It's possible to tell SvelteKit how to type objects inside your app by declaring the App namespace. By default, a new project will have a file called src/app.d.ts containing the following:

/// <reference types="@sveltejs/kit" />

declare namespace App {
  interface Locals {}

  interface Platform {}

  interface Session {}

  interface Stuff {}

By populating these interfaces, you will gain type safety when using event.locals, event.platform, session and stuff:


The interface that defines event.locals, which can be accessed in hooks (handle, handleError and getSession) and endpoints.

interface Locals {}


If your adapter provides platform-specific context via event.platform, you can specify it here.

interface Platform {}


The interface that defines session, both as an argument to load functions and the value of the session store.

interface Session {}


The interface that defines stuff, as input or output to load or as the value of the stuff property of the page store.

interface Stuff {}

Generated typespermalink

The RequestHandler and Load types both accept a Params argument allowing you to type the params object. For example this endpoint expects foo, bar and baz params:

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').RequestHandler<{
* foo: string;
* bar: string;
* baz: string
* }>} */
export async function get({ params }) {
A function whose declared type is neither 'void' nor 'any' must return a value.2355A function whose declared type is neither 'void' nor 'any' must return a value.
// ...

Needless to say, this is cumbersome to write out, and less portable (if you were to rename the [foo] directory to [qux], the type would no longer reflect reality).

To solve this problem, SvelteKit generates .d.ts files for each of your endpoints and pages:

import type { RequestHandler as GenericRequestHandler, Load as GenericLoad } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export type RequestHandler<Body = any> = GenericRequestHandler<
  { foo: string; bar: string; baz: string },

export type Load<
  InputProps extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
  OutputProps extends Record<string, any> = InputProps
> = GenericLoad<{ foo: string; bar: string; baz: string }, InputProps, OutputProps>;

These files can be imported into your endpoints and pages as siblings, thanks to the rootDirs option in your TypeScript configuration:

/** @type {import('./[baz]').RequestHandler} */
export async function get({ params }) {
// ...
<script context="module">
  /** @type {import('./[baz]').Load} */  export async function load({ params, fetch, session, stuff }) {
    // ...  }

For this to work, your own tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json should extend from the generated .svelte-kit/tsconfig.json (where .svelte-kit is your outDir):

{ "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json" }

Default tsconfig.jsonpermalink

The generated .svelte-kit/tsconfig.json file contains a mixture of options. Some are generated programmatically based on your project configuration, and should generally not be overridden without good reason:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "..",
    "paths": {
      "$lib": "src/lib",
      "$lib/*": "src/lib/*"
    "rootDirs": ["..", "./types"]
  "include": ["../src/**/*.js", "../src/**/*.ts", "../src/**/*.svelte"],
  "exclude": ["../node_modules/**", "./**"]

Others are required for SvelteKit to work properly, and should also be left untouched unless you know what you're doing:

  "compilerOptions": {
    // this ensures that types are explicitly
    // imported with `import type`, which is
    // necessary as svelte-preprocess cannot
    // otherwise compile components correctly
    "importsNotUsedAsValues": "error",

    // Vite compiles one TypeScript module
    // at a time, rather than compiling
    // the entire module graph
    "isolatedModules": true,

    // TypeScript cannot 'see' when you
    // use an imported value in your
    // markup, so we need this
    "preserveValueImports": true,

    // This ensures both `svelte-kit build`
    // and `svelte-kit package` work correctly
    "lib": ["esnext", "DOM"],
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "module": "esnext",
    "target": "esnext"
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